

PushnamiAds will notify you of any problems with the system.

There are three types of alerts.

  • Billing alerts
  • Campaign alerts
  • Creative rejected alerts

Billing Alerts

Low funds alert

If you present an amount between $99.00 and $50.00, a yellow alert will be activated, informing you of the risk of running out of money to fund your campaigns.

We always recommend auto-funding to ensure you have the money available for the system to work optimally.

Stop campaign alert

The system will stop running the campaigns if the user’s balance is $50.00 or less.

Campaign Alerts

These alerts report general problems with the campaigns.

You will understand the alert in detail by hovering over the status icon.

Active Alerts

Pending Alerts

Creatives Alerts

Any time the review process rejects a creative, a red circle will appear next to the active campaign status.

Remember that you must address this rejection in order to run the creative.