
Managing Creatives

All creatives offer the ability to edit, clone, and archive to best suit your needs.

  • Editing your creatives enables you to change the details of your creative at any time.
  • Cloning a creative feature enables you to quickly reuse an entire creative, where you can change minor details for A/B testing.
  • Archiving creatives that are no longer in use, allow you to only see what is currently running on the network.

Manage Rejected Creatives

  • Each creative has its own status to indicate if the status is Approved or Rejected. This status can be found by going to your campaign and selecting the Creative tab.
  • Hovering over the rejected status will display the reason the creative was rejected.
  • Editing the creative to resolve the rejection reason can be done by selecting the “Edit Creative” option.
  • There is a 24-48 hour waiting period once you resubmit the creative.